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Programs Offer Outdoor Experiences for Women

July 1, 2003

Local chapters of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) are offering special opportunities for women, ages 14 and over, to experience and/or learn more about a variety of outdoor activities. The program, called Women in the Outdoors (WITO), has a goal of teaching the importance of responsible wildlife management, natural resource management, increased participation in outdoor related opportunities, and help preserve the hunting tradition.

Activities offered, depending on the location of the event, will include turkey hunting and safety, shotgun shooting, rifle shooting, outdoor cooking, outdoor photography, landscaping for wildlife, fishing, boating, outdoor perils, and ATV safety.

Primarily scheduled in summer and fall, several WITO events are being held by NWTF chapters across the state of Tennessee. Most of the events will be one-day, but some are two-days and may offer overnight camping.

